The term, “limited edition” simply means a sculpture where the number of castings is pre-determined. Typically, the smaller the edition size, the more exclusive the piece is, and thus represents a higher value. Each casting from the edition is numbered to identify it. Due to the “hands on” character of each step involved, every casting will contain small differences from all others making it truly an individual. Douwe’s limited editions average between 10 and 25. Each piece is cast using only the finest art bronze alloy and old world hot patinas.

Edition of 25
I have always believed in “embracing my medium”. Which to me simply means “if it’s bronze, let it look like bronze”. Here I experimented with new techniques to achieve this wonderful surface treatment. My other goal here was to give this piece movement where none existed. This figure is not moving, and yet there is much going on. I worked hard on the subtleties of the pose to achieve movement in every plane.
Prices and availability on request.

18” tall
This sculpture speaks to the gulf between the faces we show the world and our innermost, “true” faces, the two opposing masks combine with the ancient Greek-like figure to create a fusion of styles completely unique unto itself. The mixing of a highly textured, abstract figure with the intricately sculpted masks and topped by a striking splash of color and contrasting materials creates a sculpture that is artistically unique and visually stimulating. The mixture of treatment and complex meaning will serve to draw and hold the interest while the viewer unravels the meaning of the piece.

Bronze and stainless steel with enamel
This is an experiment in creating a “bronze painting”. Designed to be hung like a painting, this piece uniquely explores the use of relief, texture, planes and shadow rather than color. I wanted this to feel like a dream, to really draw you in.

Pre-casting clay
Here as I explore “painting in metal” I was inspired by some of Picasso’s early clowns. Our Bull Terrier “Charlie” happily provides the comic relief to our day which I’ve tried to capture here.

Rancho Santa Fe, CA - Private Collector
Edition of 10
Life size 9'x3'x3'
This larger-than-life black panther was a site-specific piece for this garden pond. The treatment chosen was a blend I can best describe as “stylistic realism”. I felt the power and sinuous movement of this animal would be lost by using too realistic a style. All the muscles and planes were stylized and smoothed to help accentuate the “flow” of this cat.
Prices and availability on request.

Edition of 7
48" tall
This ambitious piece required over three years to complete. A 12th centruy mounted Samurai is portrayed with incredible attention to detail and historical fidelity. Perched on a wind-whipped mountainside, the archer prepares to loose a signaling arrow into the abyss below. Because of the amount of work involved to create each piece, only seven castings will ever be produced, each one utilizing a different yet authentic color scheme. Prices and availability on request.

Edition of 7
48" tall
This ambitious piece required over three years to complete. A 12th centruy mounted Samurai is portrayed with incredible attention to detail and historical fidelity. Perched on a wind-whipped mountainside, the archer prepares to loose a signaling arrow into the abyss below. Because of the amount of work involved to create each piece, only seven castings will ever be produced, each one utilizing a different yet authentic color scheme. Prices and availability on request.

Limited Edition of 120
This is the crown of thorns taken from a more complex piece I did for a large church in the Midwest. Through careful research, I was able to identify the exact thorn bush that grows in the Jerusalem environs. This was a very challenging sculpture to sculpt. I personally find it a very spiritually challenging piece to view.
Price and availability on request

Edition of 20
Life size 24"x18"x18"
This interesting still life was commissioned by a large church in Louisville. This piece is included because it shows my ability with detail and textures. A large effort was put into the research for this piece so as to ensure that the portrayal was correct for the period.
Prices and availability on request.

12" tall
Portraying my love of aviation, this piece embodies the sense of adventure and nostalgia from aviations’ Golden Age. Detailed down to the last stitch and texture, and perfectly researched.
Prices and availability on request.

8" tall
The open cockpit with a leather flying helmet draped over the cowling, to me epitomizes the spirit of an earlier, more carefree time.
Prices and availability on request.