Just installed a piece completely unique to my body of work. Comprised of over 3,000 individual rings to create a 20 foot tall ethereal human figure, "Convergence" graces the Unified State Laboratory campus in Salt Lake City.
"Well Red" /
A blustery and rainy evening was the setting for the celebratory opening of the new lakefront Alumni Park at the University of Wisconsin, MadisonThe crowd was not hindered by the weather and with great fanfare they were enthusiastically greeted with the grand entrance of Bucky Badger, the well-loved scamp of a mascot, who arrived on a Harley Davidson motorcycle for the crowning moment they had all been waiting for - the unveiling of the sculpture of … Bucky himself! The sculpture of Bucky Badger, titled “Well Red” was uniquely created in bronze, stainless steel and stained glass (stained glass by artist Dan Neil Barnes) with the famous ‘W’ jersey illuminated. It was a great evening! The sculpture was well received by all! We are very thankful to have had the opportunity for such a fun and uplifting project. Go Badgers!
To Reflect and To Heal - 7/20 Memorial /
On Saturday, August 26, 2017 the 7/20 Memorial Foundation of Aurora, Colorado announced Douwe as the selected artist for the honor of creating the centerpiece sculpture to be installed in the Reflection Memorial Garden located on the grounds of the Aurora Municipal Center. As Douwe stated during the announcement, "That night people from all over the country - all walks of life, ethnice and racial background - were all caught up in a whirlwind,"..."I wanted to represent that, but to create a sense of sereniyt and healing. Ten to 20 years from now, when the memorial has faded from public consciousness, people will still appreciate this work and come here to reflect and heal."